Welcome to the Laboratory of Bionorganic Environmental Chemistry and Metallodrugs


Lattes Curriculum

Subjects taught (in Portuguese only)



Universidade de São Paulo
Instituto de Química
Av Lineu Prestes 748 - s. 1265
05508-900 São Paulo SP

Fone: +55 11 3091 2181
Fax: +55 11 3815 5579
e-mail: breno@iq.usp.br


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Prof. Dr. Breno Pannia Espósito

1994: B.Sc. in Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

1997: M.Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

2000: Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

2002: Pos-doc, Dept. of Biochemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

2004: Professor, Dept. of Fundamental Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Our group works in two main lines:

  1. Study of metal species of environmental importance, focusing their toxic effects (phytotoxicity, neurotoxicity).
  2. Evaluation of the biological activity (antitumor, antimicrobial) of metal complexes.

Current interests :

  1. Mn(III) complexes: redox activity, toxicity, protein damage, applications.
  2. Metal complexes with antifungical and antileishmanial activity.
  3. Sorbents for heavy metals in industrial wastewater and natural waters.
  4. Labile iron pool in blood plasma: characterization, quantification and study of redox activity.