Plant and Algal Genetics Group

Group News!


1. As September 2016 our group moved to the School of Biological Sciences and Engineering of Yachay Tech University.


2. New book chapter “Evolution of Epigenetic Mechanisms in Plants: Insights From H3K4 and H3K27 Methyltransferases” published in the Handbook of Epigenetics: The New Molecular and Medical Genetics, Second Edition 2017.












3. Great meeting organized by ASPB, our group presented two posters at Plant Biology 2017, Honolulu Hawaii.


4. A chapter co-written with Cerrutti´s lab entitled “RNA-Mediated Silencing in Eukaryotes: Evolution of Protein Components and Biological Roles” was published in the book Evolution of the Protein Synthesis Machinery and Its Regulation.











Resultado de imagen de Evolution of the Protein Synthesis Machinery and Its Regulation