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Suely Lopes Gomes



Microorganismos por sua facilidade de cultivo e de isolamento de mutantes, por seus ciclos de vida geralmente curtos e passíveis de manipulação, assim como pela possibilidade de obtenção de diferenciação celular sincrônica em populações numerosas, têm sido muito utilizados em estudos de regulação gênica.

Temos usado como sistemas-modelo para estudos de controle de expressão gênica as bactérias gram-negativas, Caulobacter crescentus e Xylella fastidiosa, e o fungo aquático Blastocladiella emersonii

Em C. crescentus,  nosso trabalho enfoca o estudo de genes induzidos por diferentes estresses ambientais. Estes estudos envolvem a obtenção de mutantes em genes regulatórios, o uso de genes repórteres de transcrição e géis bi-dimensionais para analisar as proteínas afetadas pelos estresses.


Nossos estudos com a bactéria fitopatogênica X.fastidiosa, que causa a doença CVC em citros, visam compreender os mecanismos moleculares responsáveis pela patogenicidade desta bactéria.

O enfoque envolve a obtenção de mutantes e a análise da expressão gênica global da bactéria sob condições de estresse térmico e osmótico utilizando a técnica de microarranjos de DNA e géis bi-dimensionais.

B. emersonii  apresenta em seu ciclo de vida duas fases de diferenciação celular: a germinação e a esporulação. Presentemente, estamos analisando ESTs obtidas de bibliotecas de cDNA construídas a partir de mRNAs de células isoladas em diferentes fases, para identificar genes envolvidos nas drásticas mudanças morfológicas que ocorrem durante o ciclo de vida do fungo ( Experimentos de microarranjos de cDNA também estão sendo utilizados para investigar variações na expressão gênica em diferentes condições de cultivo do fungo.  



Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748
Bloco 12 Térreo , sala 1211
Phone: (011) 3091-3826 
Fax: (011) 3091-2186

Dra. Suely L. Gomes

Responsável: Suely Lopes Gomes


Suely Lopes Gomes, 


André Luis Gomes Vieira

Christian Kohler

Rogério Ferreira Lourenço

Estudante de pós-graduação

Gabriela Mól Avelar

Estudante de Iniciação Científica

Micael de Paiva Oliveira

Treinamento Técnico

Anne Krause


Luci Deise Navarro

Sandra Mara Saraiva Fernandes,

Marivon Pereira Alves Pereira



- CAMILO, C. M.; GOMES, S. L. - Transcriptional Response to Hypoxia in the Aquatic Fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryot Cell 9(6): 915-25, 2010.

- VIEIRA, A. L.; GOMES, S. L. - Global gene expression analysis during sporulation of the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryot Cell 9(3): 415-23, 2010.

- GEORG, R. C.; STEFANI, R. M.; GOMES, S.L. - Environmental stresses inhibit splicing in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. BMC Microbiology 9: 231, 2009.

- GOMES, S. L.; SIMÃO, R. C. G. -  Stress Responses: Heat. In: Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Moselio Schaechter, Editor), pp.  464-474, 2009. Oxford: Elsevier.

- VIEIRA, A. L.; LINARES, E.; AUGUSTO, O.; GOMES, S. L. - Evidence of a Ca(2+)-NO-cGMP signaling pathway controlling zoospore biogenesis in  the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Fungal Genetics and  Biology, 46, 575-584, 2009.

- LOURENÇO, R. F.; GOMES, S. L. - The transcriptional response to cadmium, organic hydroperoxide, singlet oxygen and UV-A mediated by  the SigmaE-ChrR system in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular  Microbiology, 72, 1159-1170, 2009.

- SALEM-IZACC, S.M.; KOIDE, T.; VENCIO, R. Z.; GOMES, S. L. -  Global gene expression analysis during germination in the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryotic Cell, 8, 170-180, 2009.

- PUGLIESE L, GEORG R. C., FIETTO L. G., GOMES S. L. - Expression of genes  encoding cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum HSP90 proteins in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Gene, 411(1-2), 59-68, 2008.

- TAMBOR, J. H.; RIBICHICH, K. F.; GOMES, S. L. -The mitochondrial view  of Blastocladiella emersonii. Gene, 424, 33-39, 2008.

- C. E. ALVAREZ-MARTINEZ, R. F. LOURENÇO, R. L. BALDINI, M. T. LAUB,   S. L. GOMES (2007). The ECF sigma factor sigma T is involved in osmotic and oxidative stress responses in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology, v. 66, n. 5, 1240-1255.

- J. F. DA SILVA NETO, T. KOIDE, C. M. ABE, S. L. GOMES, M. V. MARQUES. Role of sigma 54 in the regulation of genes involved in type I and type IV pili biogenesis in Xylella  fastidiosa. Achives of Microbiology, 189, 1240-1255, 2008.

- J. F.da Silva Neto, T. Koide, S. L. Gomes, M. V  Marques (2007). The single ECF factor of Xylella fastidiosa is involved in the heat shock response and presents an unusual regulatory mechanism. Journal of Bacteriology, v. 189, n. 2, 551-560.

- V. NENE et al.(2007). Genome Sequence of Aedes aegypti, a major arbovirus vector. Science 2007, v. 316, n. 5832, 1718-1723.

- R. C. GEORG, S. L. GOMES (2007). Transcriptome analysis in response to heat shock and cadmium in the aquatic fungus    Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryotic Cell. v. 6, n. 6, 1053-1062.

- R. C. Georg and S. L. Gomes (2007). Comparative expression analysis of members of the Hsp70 family in the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Gene 2007, v. 386, n. 1-2,  24-34.

- M. F. Susin, R. L. Baldini, F. Gueiros-Filho, S. L. Gomes (2006). GroES/GroEL and DnaK/DnaJ have distinct roles in stress responses and during cell cycle progression in Caulobacter crescentus. Journal of Bacteriology, v. 188, n. 23,  8044-8053.

- T. Koide, R. Z. Vencio, S. L. Gomes (2006). Global gene expression analysis of the heat shock response in the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Journal of Bacteriology, v. 188, n. 16, 5821-5830.

- K. F. RIBICHICH, R. C. GEORG, S. L. GOMES (2006). Comparative EST analysis provides insights into the basal aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. BMC Genomics, v. 12, n. 7, 177-187.

- T. KOIDE, S. M. SALEM-IZACC, S. L. GOMES, R. Z. VENCIO (2005). SpotWhatR: a user-friendly microarray data analysis system. Genetics and Molecular Research, v.  5, n. 1,  93-107.

- R. Z. VENCIO, T. KOIDE, S. L. GOMES, C. A PEREIRA (2006). BayGO: Bayesian analysis of ontology term enrichment in microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics, v. 23, n. 7, 86-97.

- C. E. ALVAREZ-MARTINEZ, R. L. BALDINI, S. L. GOMES (2006). A Caulobacter crescentus extracytoplasmic function sigma factor mediating the response to oxidative stress in stationary phase. Journal of Bacteriology, v. 188, n.5, 1835-1846.

- K.F. RIBICHICH & S. L. GOMES (2005). Blastocladiella emersonii expresses a centrin similar to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii isoform not found in late-diverging fungi. FEBS Letters, Amsterdã, v. 579, 4355-4360.

- R.C.G. SIMÃO, M.F. SUSIN, C.E. ALVAREZ-MARTINEZ & S. L. GOMES (2005). Cells lacking ClpB display a prolonged shutoff phase of the heat shock response in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology, Oxford, v. 57, n. 2, 592-603.

- K. F. RIBICHICH, ; S. M. SALEM-IZACC, R. C. GEORG, R. Z. N. VENCIO, L.D. NAVARRO & S. L. GOMES (2005). Gene Discovery and Expression Profile Analysis through Sequencing of Expressed Sequence Tags from Different Developmental Stages of the Chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryotic Cell, Washington, DC, v. 4, n. 2, 455-464.

- T. Koide  P. A. Zaini, L. M. Moreira, R. Z. N. Vencio, A. Y.  Matsukuma, A. M. Durham, D. C. Teixeira, H. El-Dorry, P. B. Monteiro, A. C. R. da Silva, S. Verjovski-Almeida, A. M. da Silva & S. L. Gomes  (2004). DNA Microarray-Based Genome Comparison of a Pathogenic and a Nonpathogenic Strain of Xylella fastidiosa Delineates Genes Important for Bacterial Virulence. Journal of Bacteriology, Washington, DC, v. 186, n. 16, 5442-5449.

- M. Vincentz, F. A. A. Cara, V. K Okura, F. R. da Silva, G. L. Pedrosa, A. S. Hemerly, A. N. Capella, M. Marins, P. C. Ferreira, S. C. Franca, L. Grivet, A. L. Vettore, E. L. Kemper, W. L. Burnquist, M. L. P. Targon, W. J. Siqueira, E. E. Kuramae, C. L. Marino, L. E. A. Camargo, H. Carrer, L. L. Coutinho, L. R. Furlan, M. V. F. Lemos, L. R. Nunes, S.L. Gomes, R. V. Santelli, M. H. Goldman, M/ Bacci, E. A. Giglioti, O. H. Thiemann, F. H. Silva, M. A. Van Sluys, F. G. Nobrega, P. Arruda & C. F. M. Menck (2004). Evaluation of monocot and eudicot divergence using the sugarcane transcriptome. Plant Physiology, v. 134, 951-959.

- M. F. SUSIN, H. R. PEREZ, R. L.  BALDINI, S. L. GOMES (2004). Functional and Structural Analysis of HrcA Repressor Protein from Caulobacter crescentus. Journal of Bacteriology, Washington, DC, v. 186, n. 20, 6759-6767.

- T. Koide, J. F. da Silva Neto, S. L. Gomes & M. V. Marques (2004). Insertional transposon mutagenesis in the Xylella fastidiosa Citrus Variegated Chlorosis strain with transposome. Current Microbiology, v. 48, n. 4, 247-250.

- A. L .Vettore, F. R. da Silva, E. L. Kemper, G. M. Souza, A. M. da Silva, M. I. T. Ferro, F. Henrique-Silva, E. A. Giglioti, M. V. F. Lemos, L. L. Coutinho, M. P. Nobrega, H. Carrer, S. C. Franca, M. Bacci, M. H. S. Goldman, S. L. Gomes, L. R. Nunes, L. E. A. Camargo, W. J. Siqueira, M. A. Van Sluys, O. H. Thiemann, E. E. Kuramae, R. V. Santelli, C. L. Marino, M. L. P. N. Targon, J. A. Ferro, H. C. S. Silveira, D. C. Marini, E. G. M. Lemos, C. B. Monteiro-Vitorello, J. H. M. Tambor, D. M. Carraro, P. G. Roberto, V. G. Martins, G. H. Goldman, R. C. de Oliveira, D. Truffi, C. A. Colombo, M. Rossi, P. G. de Araujo, S. A. Sculaccio, A. Angella, M. M. A. Lima, V. E. de Rosa, F. Siviero, V. E. Coscrato, M. A. Machado, L. Grivet, S. M. Z. Di Mauro, F. G. Nobrega, C. F. M. Menck, M. D. V. Braga MDV, G. P. Telles, F. A. A. Cara, G. Pedrosa, J. Meidanis & P. Arruda. (2003). Analysis and Functional Annotation of an Expressed Sequence Tag Collection for Tropical Crop Sugarcane. Genome Research, New York, v. 13, 2725-2735.

- A.C.A. da SILVA, R.C.G. SIMÃO, M. F. SUSIN, R. L. BALDINI, M. AVEDISSIAN & S.L. GOMES (2003). Downregulation of the heat shock response is independent of DnaK and sigma32 levels in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology, Oxford, v. 49, 541- 553.

- M. ROCHA, F. DUTRA, B. BANDY, R.L. BALDINI, S.L. GOMES, A.  FALJONI-ALARIO, C.W. LIRIA,  M.T.M. MIRANDA & E.J.H. BECHARA(2003).  Oxidative damage to ferritin by 5-aminolevulinic acid. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., v. 409,  349-356.

- L.G.  FIETTO, L.  PUGLIESE & S.L. GOMES (2002). Characterization and expression of two genes encoding isoforms of a putative Na, K-ATPase in the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Biochim.Biophys. Acta, v. 1576, 59-69.

- J.F. SILVA NETO, T. KOIDE, S.L. GOMES & M.V. MARQUES (2002). Site-directed gene disruption in Xylella fastidiosa. FEMS Microbiology Letters. , v.  210, v. 105-110.

- M.V. MARQUES, A.M. SILVA & S.L. GOMES (2001). Genetic organization of plasmid pXF51 from the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. PLASMID,  v. 45, 184-199.

- J.R. PIRES, C. SAITO, S.L. GOMES, A. GIESBRECHT &  A.T. AMARAL (2001). Investigation of 5´-nitrofuran derivatives: synthesis, antibacterial activity, and quantitative structure activity relationships. J.Med. Chem.,  v. 44, 3673-3681.

- R.C.G. SIMÃO  & S.L .GOMES (2001). Structure, Expression, and Functional Analysis of the Gene Coding for Calmodulin in the Chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. J. Bacteriology, v. 183, 2280-2288.

- A.J.G. SIMPSON et al. (2000). The genome sequence of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Nature, v. 4406, 151-157.

- A.C.C. BORGES & S.L. GOMES (2000) PEST sequences in cAMP-dependent protein kinase subunits of the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii are necessary for in vitro degradation by endogenous proteases. Molecular  Microbiology, v.36, 926-939.

- C.R.C. ROCHA & S.L. GOMES (1999) Characterization and submitochondrial localization of the a subunit of the mitochondrial processing peptidase from the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. J. Bacteriology,  v. 181, 4257-4265.

- F.S.J. DE SOUZA & S.L. GOMES (1998) A P-type ATPase from the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii similar to animal Na,K-ATPases. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, v. 1383, 183-187.

- R.L. BALDINI, M. AVEDISSIAN & S.L. GOMES (1998) The CIRCE element and its putative repressor control cell cycle expression of Caulobacter crescentus groESL operon. J. Bacteriology., v. 180, 1632-1641.

- A. ZELADA, S. PASSERON, S.L. GOMES & M.L. CANTORE (1998) Isolation and characterization of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase from Candida albicans. Purification of the regulatory and catalytic subunits. Eur. J. Biochemistry, v. 252, 245-252.

- C.R.C. ROCHA & S.L. GOMES (1998) Isolation, characterization, and expression of the gene encoding the b-subunit of the mitochondrial processing peptidase from Blastocladiella emersonii. J. Bacteriology, v. 180, 3967-3972.

- A.M. MOERMAN, A.C. DE MARIA, S.L. GOMES & C. KLEIN (1998) Heat shock alters poly (A)-tail length of Dictyostelium discoideum hsp32 RNA. DNA Cell Bioogy, v.17, 635-641.

- D. COLOMBI & S.L. GOMES (1997) An alkB gene homolog is differentially transcribed during the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. J. Bacteriology, v. 179, 3139-3145.

- A.C. DE MARIA, A. MOERMAN, C. KLEIN & S.L. GOMES (1997). Cloning, structural analysis and expression of the gene encoding Hsp32 from Dictyostelium discoideum. Gene, v. 193, 173-180.

- J.C.F. DE OLIVEIRA, M.V. MARQUES & S.L. GOMES (1997) Protein factors in Blastocladiella emersonii cell extracts recognize similar sequence elements in the promoters of the genes encoding cAMP-dependent protein kinase subunits. Molecular General Genetics, v. 255, 495-503.

- M.V. MARQUES, S.L.GOMES & J.W. GOBER (1997) A gene coding for a putative sigma 54-activator is developmentally regulated in Caulobacter crescentus. J. Bacteriology, v. 179, 5502-5510.

- R.C. ROBERTS, C. TOOCHINDA, M. AVEDISSIAN, R.L. BALDINI, S.L. GOMES & L. SHAPIRO (1996) Identification of a Caulobacter crescentus operon encoding hrcA, involved in negatively regulating heat-inducible transcription, and the chaperone gene grpE. J. Bacteriology, v. 178, 1829-1841.

- J.E. GABRIEL, J.A. FERRO, R.M.P. STEFANI, M.I.T. FERRO, S.L. GOMES & M. MACARI (1996). Effect of acute heat stress on heat shock protein 70 messenger RNA and on heat shock protein expression in the liver broilers. British Poultry Science, v. 37, 443-449.

- M. AVEDISSIAN & S.L. GOMES (1996). Expression of the groESL operon is cell cycle controlled in Caulobacter crescentus. Molecular Microbiology, v. 19, 79-89.

- S.L. GOMES (1996). Regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase expression during development in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. In: Advances in Zoosporic Fungi. (Editado por R. Dayal), MD Publications PVT LTD, pag. 159-172.

- R.M.P. STEFANI & S.L. GOMES (1995). A unique intron-containing hsp70 gene induced by heat shock and during sporulation in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Gene, v 152, 19-26.

- M. AVEDISSIAN, D. LESSING, J.W. GOBER, L. SHAPIRO & S.L. GOMES (1995). Regulation of the Caulobacter crescentus dnaKJ operon. J. Bacteriology, v. 177, 3479-3484.

- A.C. DE MARIA, S.L. GOMES, M.H. JULIANI, R. MAZZARELLA & C. KLEIN (1995). Cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel heat shock protein from Dictyostelium discoideum. Gene, v 163, 163-164.

- J.C.F. OLIVEIRA, A.C.C. BORGES, M.V. MARQUES & S.L. GOMES (1994). Cloning and characterization of the gene for the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. Eur. J. Biochem., v. 219, 555-562.

- S.L. GOMES, (1993). Regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase during growth and differentiation of lower eukaryotes. J. Braz. Assoc. Adv. Science, v. 45, 176-180.

- M.V. MARQUES, A.C.C. BORGES, J.C.F. OLIVEIRA & S.L. GOMES (1992). Coordinate pretranslational control of cAMP-dependent protein kinase subunit expression during development in the water mold Blastocladiella emersonii. Developmental Biology, v. 149, 432-439.

- M.V. MARQUES & S.L. GOMES (1992). Cloning and structural analysys of the gene for the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in Blastocladiella emersonii. Journal Biological Chemistry, v. 267, 17201-17207.

- M.R.K. ALLEY, S.L. GOMES, W. ALEXANDER & L. SHAPIRO (1991). Genetic analysis of a temporally transcribed chemotaxis gene cluster in Caulobacter crescentus. Genetics, v. 129, 333-342.

- S.L. GOMES, J.W. GOBER & L. SHAPIRO (1990). Expression of the Caulobacter heat shock gene dnaK is developmentally controlled during growth at normal temperatures. J. Bacteriology, v. 172, 3051-3059.

- M.V. MARQUES, M.H. JULIANI, J.C.C. MAIA & S.L. GOMES (1989). Developmental regulation of expression of the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase of Blastocladiella emersonii. Eur. J. Biochemistry, v. 178, 803-810.

- A.M. SILVA, S.L. GOMES, J.C.C. MAIA & M.H. JULIANI (1989). Phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 is dependent on cyclic AMP in Dictyostelium discoideum. Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins, v. 12, n. 5 & 6, 271-280.

- S.L GOMES, M.H. JULIANI, J.C.C. MAIA & M.V. MARQUES (1988). Developmental expression of the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase of Blastocladiella emersonii. Arch. Biol. Med. Experimentales, v. 21, 455-459.

- M.C.C. BONATO, A.M. SILVA, S.L. GOMES, J.C.C. MAIA & M.H. JULIANI (1987). Differential expression of heat schock proteins and spontaneous synthesis of HSP 70 during the life cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii. Eur. J. Biochemistry, v. 163, 211-220.

- R. BRYAN, R. CHAMPER, S.L. GOMES, B. ELY & L. SHAPIRO (1987). Separation of temporal control and trans-acting modulation of flagellin and chemotaxis genes in Caulobacter. Mol. Gen. Genetics, v. 206, 300-306.

- M.H. JULIANI, S.L. GOMES & J.C.C. MAIA (1987). cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase in Blastocladiella emersonii. In: Zoosporic Fungi in Teaching and Research. (Editado por M.S. Fuller & A. Jaworski), Southeastern Publishing Co., pag. 226-243.

- M.H. JULIANI, S.L. GOMES & J.C.C. MAIA (1987). Genética Molecular do Desenvolvimento em Microrganismos. In: Genética Molecular e de Microrganismos. (Editado por S.O.P. Costa), Editora Manole, pag. 449-468.

- P. NATHAN, S.L. GOMES, K. HAHNENBERGER, A. NEWTON & L. SHAPIRO (1986). Differential localization of membrane receptor chemotaxis proteins in the Caulobacter predivisional cell. Journal Molecular Biology, v. 191, 433-440.

- B. ELY, C.J. GERARDOT, D.F. FLEMING, S.L. GOMES, P. FREDERIKSE & L. SHAPIRO (1986). General nonchemotactic mutants of Caulobacter crescentus. Genetics, v. 114, 717-730.

- R. CHAMPER, R. BRYAN, S.L. GOMES, M. PURUCKER & L. SHAPIRO (1985). Temporal and spatial control of flagellar and chemotaxis gene expression during Caulobacter cell differentiation. Cold. Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., v. 50, 831-840.

- L. SHAPIRO, W. ALEXANDER, R. BRYAN, R. CHAMPER, P. FREDERIKSE, S.L. GOMES, K. HAHNENBERGER & B. ELY (1985). Biogeneses of a polar flagellum and a chemosensory system during Caulobacter cell differentiation. In: Sensing and Response in Microorganisms. (Editado por M. Eisenback e M. Balaban), Elsevier Science Pubishers, pag. 93-106.

- S.L. GOMES & L. SHAPIRO (1984). Differential expression and positioning of chemotaxis methylation proteins in Caulobacter. J. Mol. Biol., v. 178, 551-568.

- R. BRYAN, M. PURUCKER, S.L. GOMES, W. ALEXANDER & L. SHAPIRO (1984). Analysis of the pleiotropic regulation of flagellar and chemotaxis gene expression in Caulobacter crescentus by using plasmid complementation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, v. 81, 1341-1345.

- S.L. GOMES, M.H. JULIANI, J.C.C. MAIA & R. RANGEL-ALDAO (1983). Autophosphorylation and rapid dephosphorylation of the cAMP dependent protein kinase from Blastocladiella emersonii zoospores. Journal Biological Chemistry, v. 258, 6972-6978.

- P. SHAW, S.L. GOMES, K. SWEENEY, B. ELY & L. SHAPIRO (1983). Methylation involved in chemotaxis is regulated during Caulobacter differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, v. 80, 5261-5265.

- J.C.C. MAIA, S.L. GOMES & M.H. JULIANI (1983). Preparation of [*-32P] and [*-32P]-nucleoside triphosphate, with high specific activity. In: Genes and Antigenes of Parasites, a laboratory manual. (Editado por C.M. Morel), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, pag. 146-157.

- M.R. BROCHETTO-BRAGA, S.L. GOMES & J.C.C. MAIA (1982). Studies on the adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase of Blastocladiella emersonii. Arch. Biochem. Biophysics, v. 217, 295-304.

- S.L. GOMES, L. MENNUCCI & J.C.C. MAIA (1980). Calcium efflux during germination of Blastocladiella emersonii. Developmental  Biology, v. 77, 157-166.

- S.L. GOMES, L. MENNUCCI & J.C.C. MAIA (1980). Induction of Blastocladiella emersonii germination by cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate. Cell Differentiation, v. 9, 169-179.

- S.L. GOMES & J.C.C. MAIA (1979). Differential effects of manganese ions on Blastocladiella emersonii adenylate cyclase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, v. 567, 257-264.

- S.L. GOMES, L. MENNUCCI & J.C.C. MAIA (1979). A calcium-dependent protein activator of mammalian cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from Blastocladiella emersonii. FEBS Letters, v. 99, 39-42.

- J.C.C. MAIA, S.L. GOMES & L. MENNUCCI (1979). Induction of germination in Blastocladiella emersonii by cyclic AMP and inhibitors of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Arch. Biol. Med. Experimentales, v. 12, 407-410.

- S.L. GOMES, L. MENNUCCI & J.C.C. MAIA (1978). Adenylate cyclase activity and cyclic AMP metabolism during cytodifferentiation of Blastocladiella emersonii. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 541, 190-198.

- V.L. VALE, S.L. GOMES, J.C.C. MAIA & L. MENNUCCI (1976). Transient cyclic AMP accumulation in germinating zoospores of Blastocladiella emersonii. FEBS Letters, v. 67, 189-192.

- M.R. VALE, S.L. GOMES & J.C.C. MAIA (1975). Independent cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterases in Blastocladiella emersonii. FEBS Letters, v. 56, 332-336.