These activities serve approximately 2,000 people/year including students of the fundamental schools, undergraduate and graduate students, and general public.
Main actions:
1) Chemistry in Action (since 1986). Discloses the chemical through theater in internal and external events in public schools (1000 students/year). Learn more.
2) Actions in Museums: The Science Station, for instancem in 2011 focuses on Chemistry for a Better World, the main action of the International Year of Chemistry in São Paulo (45,000 visits). The Science Museum stands out the project USP Memory.
3) Week of IQ-USP Chemistry: The Chemistry Week is an annual event (250 participants/year) organized by graduate students with the support of CCEx. The program includes lectures, discussions and short courses.
4) Paulista Olympics in Chemistry (OQSP): The Olympics in Chemistry (OQSP) is the main action of diffusion of chemistry in São Paulo. It is coordinated by IQ-USP, involving thousands of high school students annually. From 2010 to 2014, winning students of OQSP won bronze medals at the World Olympics, and gold and silver in Latin American.