
All-in-one Excel Freeware for pH and
Acid-Base Equilibrium Calculations,
and for Simulation and Analysis of
entiometric Titration Curves

Curtipot Front Page

Find the pH of any aqueous solution. Evaluate your acid-base titration curve data with enhanced speed and accuracy. Simply paste or introduce your pH vs. Volume data into the Evaluation or Regression spreadsheets

Make virtual titrations, compare real with simulated curves, practice visual end point detection and generate distribution diagrams of 250 acids and bases listed in the pKa database

CurTiPot is widely used, evaluated and cited in the literature. Check features, screenshots, examples, citations in the literature and in '

CurTiPot requires no installation or registration and is free for non-commercial use. It is compatible with Microsoft ExcelTM from 1997 onwards.

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Cite CurTiPot in your publications:

Gutz, I. G. R., CurTiPot - pH and Acid–Base Titration Curves:
Analysis and Simulation software, version 4.4.0

CurTiPot is used in universities, research institutions, industries and elsewhere. It was applied and cited in many published works.

Search for "Curtipot" in Google Scholar to obtain an updated list of publications, exemplified here for the years 2007 to 2011 (with links).

This freeware is a courtesy of

Ivano Gebhardt Rolf Gutz

 – Full Professor –

Instituto de Química
Universidade de São Paulo
Av.Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748
05508-000 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
satelite image
Summary | Publications | CV | Group

Testimonials | Download Sites | Links to Curtipot | Download | Features | Screenshots | Installation | Examples | Database | Remarks | Statistics

Copyright ©1992 - 2024

Launched in Portuguese (TurboBasic/DOS)
in 1992 at the XV Annual Meeting of the
Brazilian Chemical Society

First released in English in May 2006

CurTiPot is used in >100 countries


Example of quotations and testimonials

In a survey of 21 free buffer calculators and Apps, the use of CurTiPot was encouraged over all other for rigorous pH calculation with confidence.

Lucy, C. L., J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2418−2422

Dear Ivano,

I have used your CurTiPot program, and find it very useful and powerful.

Best regards,

Gary Christian
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry
University of Washington

Curtipot - A spectacular acid-base titration spreadsheet

CHE 133 Syllabus and Shedule
Stony Brook University

...CurTiPot, a Microsoft Excel (Redmond, WA, USA) spreadsheet, presents particularly detailed information on ionization states and activity coefficients. It also simulates virtual acid–base titrations, and performs multiparametric nonlinear regression to recover concentrations and/or pKa's of multiple species from experimental titration data. ... Of these packages, we recommend CurTiPot for most acid–base problems, PeakMaster for simple electrophoresis problems where ion mobility and buffer conductivity are relevant; and Simul or Spresso for acid–base equilibria in full-scale electrophoresis simulations.

Basic principles of electrolyte chemistry for microfluidic electrokinetics. Part I: Acid–base equilibria and pH buffers

Alexandre Persat , Robert D. Chambers and Juan G. Santiago

Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 2437-2453

Dear Dr. Gutz,

I found your Curtipot program from the Buffer solution page on Wikipedia. I very much like it. I plan to use it in classroom demonstrations here at Rice University.
Great job on the program!


Michael W. Deem
John W. Cox Professor of Biochemical and Genetic Engineering and Professor of Physics & Astronomy



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CurTiPot was written mainly in São Paulo, also on weekends, and on holidays at this beach

Ivano G. R. Gutz | IQ-USP | USP